When you go to a new Country the first thing you may want to learn is the language and this is no different when it comes to CD's....See, right there is a perfect example! You are thinking what is CD?!? I have compiled a short list of some of the language when it comes to CDing aka Cloth Diapering. Just put this list in your back pocket as we move forward into the world that is CDing. Try not to put too much though into what some of these words mean just yet. This is just your introduction into the culture...Think of it like you need to know how to pronounce the words before you really understand how to use them..These are most of the helpful abbreviations and words that I came accross when on my adventor. I am sure I have missed some but this will get us started...
AIO - All In One cloth
diaper, has a soaker pad and waterproof material sewn all together like a
disposable diaper
AI2 - All In Two cloth
diaper, waterproof cover with snap in soakers that can be used more than one
CD - cloth diaper
Chinese prefold- made
of high quality cotton, requires a cover
Dry Pail- A diaper pail
where you keep dirty diapers until they are able to be washed
DSQ - Diaper service
Fluff- cloth diaper
Fluffy Mail- cloth
diaper package in your mailbox
Fluffy Butt- a cute
little cloth diapered baby bum!
HE - High efficiency
(when referring to washing machines)
Hyena - A term for hard
to get, popular diapers that are stalked by diaper hungry moms
Indian Prefold= A type
of prefold that is not as soft as cotton but durable
MF=Microfiber. A type
of fabric that wicks moisture away from the skin leaving the skin to feel dry
OS= One size fits most
Pail Liner- A liner for
your diaper pail
Prefold- A tri
sectioned prefolded cloth diaper you pin or snappi on, requires a cover. You
will see numbers like 2x4x2 which refers to the number of layers of fabric in
the prefold.
PUL - polyurethane
laminate, a material used to make diaper covers/wraps
Snappi- An ingenious
little three sided stretchy fastener used to hold prefolds or flat
diapers closed. The Snappi eliminates the need for pins.
Soaker- the area where
you want to accumulate moisture. These
can also be added material to enhance the absorbency of the diaper.
TLer - Top loader
washing machine
WAHM - work-at-home mom
(Usually refers to diapers made by mom’s who work from home)
Wet Pail- A diaper pail
filled with water
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