I have a beautiful son who is now three years old. He was a planned pregnancy and before he was conceived I had taken prenatal vitamins for three months. The day I found out I was pregnant I was filled with a whole host of emotions. I was happy but very nervous. Scared but elated. He was my first pregnancy and I did not know what to expect. My first trimester went by extremely smoothly. I only had a week or so of nausea but no real morning sickness. To be honest, I was one of those women other pregnant women hate. I loved being pregnant! I felt amazingly well and I had never felt more womanly. I was doing something my husband could never do. I was carrying a baby. Everyday that my belly became more round I was more and more happy. I attended every prenatal appointment and took the best care of myself.
On Our BabyMoon |
After we returned from the trip things got crazy in a hurry. I was 25weeks pregnant and I was on my way to school. I felt a sharp pain and I broke out into a cold sweat. I had never felt a pain like this before. I pulled my car over and called 911. I was rushed to the hospital. Once I got there I was checked out by my doctor and he said I was having contractions every 1 to 2 minutes and that I was 1cm dilated. My instinct was to ask if it was normal and of course he said no. He asked if I had let the midwife know about the tightening feeling and I said yes. He shook his head and walked out of the room. I was given a shot of terbutaline to stop my contractions and they actually stopped. I was given a prescription of a medication called Procardia and sent home. I was told to return if my contractions returned. That was a Friday. Sunday the contractions returned so we went back to the hospital. The really confusing part for me was that my contractions we totally painless with the exception on the one I felt on my way to school. My belly would get hard as a rock but it would not hurt. I always thought that labor would consist of earth shattering pain..mine did not.
At the hospital they gave me another dose of the terbutaline shot but I had an adverse reaction and my blood pressure tanked. I was admitted. They increased my dose of Procardia but six hours later the nurse informed me of what I already knew....My contractions were not stopping. I was started on magnesium. I have never felt so sick in my life. Hot sweats, dizziness and dry mouth but I knew it was all to save my baby. One hour after the magnesium was started my contractions actually sped up. I was rushed to another hospital that had a level four NICU. I just knew he was going to be born.
I got to the hospital and I was given something to help me sleep. I woke up and my contractions had finally spaced to 8-10 minutes. I spent the next 10 day admitted to the hospital constantly being rushed back and fourth to labor and deliver from the high risk floor. I received steroid injections to help develop his lungs and was placed on hospital bed rest.
My Dear Son's First Picture only hours old |
We had a very lucky and standard NICU stay, if there is such a thing. We had the typically apnea and brady spells where he would stop breathing and have to be stimulated to breath. The scariest thing we had to deal with was a Grade 1 inter ventricular brain bleed. We were told that the bleed was minimal and that he may have some issues related to it but there is no real way to know. The main concern was ADD later as he developed or a speech delay because his bleed was very close to broca's area of the brain. He also had an issue with MERSA that was very scary and he now has a permanent scar on the right side of his head where the MERSA destroyed all the tissue. At the time when he had it until it healed you could actually see his skull. He was only on Cpap to aid with his breathing and 10 very long weeks later he came home without any supplemental oxygen.
I felt very blessed to have my baby home with me. I saw several babies go to God and had to watch their mothers and fathers as they lost their babies. I can not even explain what that is like so I won't try.
I have much more to share with you all about my special little boy but first I wanted to start at the beginning. My next post will be about life with a preemie.
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