Tuesday, August 7, 2012

30 Minutes or Less : Making Time for You

As moms we tend to place ourselves on the back burner.  Many days have gone by where everyone in my house is fed, happy and clean except for me.  I haven't had a shower in days and smell like breast milk and God knows what else.  I feel accomplished when my house is clean, laundry is done and dinner is on the table but at the end of the day I realized that I have forgotten to do anything for myself.

Several weeks had gone by of this busy schedule where I was last and one day I hit a wall.  I ended up in my closet crying hysterically all because I looked down at my feet and realized that I needed a pedicure.  I had not had one for over two months and before I had children I always went once a month for a little treat.  That day I decided to try to commit 30 minutes each day to something just for me.  Ever since then I have been a much happier mom and wife and you know what they say " Happy mom's = Happy babies".

First, I decided to make a list of all the things I would like to do for myself on a regular basis that did not include taking care of anyone else.  Believe it or not this was not a simple task.  At first when I would write something down, I would feel a bit of anxiety and guilty.  It took sometime to really believe that it was okay to spend time for me and only me.  The list consisted of  anything that made me feel like Nola and not just mommy and wife.  My list looked a little like this..

~drink a hot cup of coffee and read a book
~get a haircut
~get a pedicure
~get a bikini wax
~take a shower and shave my legs!

Second, I had to try and see where my time was going.  I knew I was very busy but I had to be able to steal 30 minutes from somewhere.  I realized that in the early morning when I was folding laundry, making breakfast and cleaning that I actually had sometime when the baby was sleeping pretty regularly and during the week my husband and son were not home.  This only applied during the week but hell I will take it.

Third, I had to accept the fact that I may not get everything done on my home "to do" list and that it was okay.  I decided that everyday the most important thing was dinner being on the table and there were no exception to this rule.  There might be days where dinner is done but the bathrooms were not cleaned or laundry has been started but not finished.  Again, I had to tell myself...this was okay and this was a very hard thing for me to do.

Today, I decided to write.  My 30 minutes are quickly slipping away and I hear a very sweet little lady slowly waking up so I will have to end this.  I encourage all of you very hard working mama's to try and take 30 minutes just for yourself.  You deserve it!  Remember how hard you are working and that everyone deserves a break.  We tend to go-go-go all the time and I would hate to see you all burn out..Your lights will brighten the paths for your family and children so tend to the flame and don't snuff it out.


  1. I'm really loving the blog, Nola! Good post. I started making a to-do list of things to do just for myself this week, in fact, and it's amazing how much better I feel about myself and how much better of a wife and mother I am because of it.

  2. Thank you so much Amanda! I am glad you like it and are finding the info useful. We tend so much to forget about ourselves...Enjoy your 30 minutes :)
