Friday, September 21, 2012

Traveling and Family Vacations with Kids: Step two..Getting there!

I knew early on that we couldn't mention a single thing to our son about our up coming trip.  This is tip #1 Keep it under wraps.  I could have swore that we didn't say a single thing but some how he knew what was up.  Maybe it was the teachers at daycare or maybe we did slip up but he would occasionally say "I am going to ride on an airplane and see Disney". We would just laugh and say "Where did you hear that?" Or something like that. 

Well, morning of the trip we got up and ate breakfast and then called the cab company.  Once the cab was in the drive way we then told him that we were taking a ride.  That was it! Not a single mention of Disney or an airplane.  Believe it or not he was excited about something as simple as a cab ride.  Once we got close to the airport we finally told him we were riding an airplane.  I really wish I had the camera at hand because he was beyond excited.  I knew that he was going to be very excited and there are so many things that call out to a three year old to touch and experience. (This is tip# 2 )My way of dealing with this naturally inquisitive behavior of a three year old is to involve him as much as possible in what were doing. First Trey was allowed to help drag one of the bags to the ticket counter.  He was happy to yell out to the world "I am SO STRONG!"  Once we got to the counter he was able to help push buttons on the ticket kiosk.  His eyes were lit up with happy excitement. Then we had our first timeout. First let me say that I am not remotely afraid of what other people think about how I choose to raise or discipline my child (That is tip #3).  It is your child and if a timeout right in the middle of a busy airport is necessary then go for it.  Then it was off to security which was pretty easy due to the STROLLER LANE! Gotta love things like this.  Trey loved taking his shoes off and helping load things on the x-ray belt and walking through the metal detector.  Not that the security officers made us but there was no way he,Aubrey or myself were going through the x-ray machine. 

Finally, we were though security and then the fun part.  We announced to Trey that we were going to ride a train! He squealed and asked me where Thomas the train was.  I had to lie and say he was sleeping so that we avoided a 30 minute conversation as to why he wasn't there. He loved riding on the train to the concourse and finally we got to the plane and he literally spent the next 20 minutes looking at all the planes and being a very good boy.  I was very proud.

Next was the part I was the most nervous about....The plane ride.

We filed on to the plane and two things kept crossing my mind..1) I hope Trey is not one of those kids and 2) Aubrey is totally getting hungry.  Well, I am happy to report that Trey was NOT one of those kids and was pretty well behaved. He did find the airplane bathroom fascinating and kept flushing the toilet but our boredom busters worked amazingly well. I nursed Aubrey often on the ride and she slept most of the way.  I happen to feel very comfortable nursing in public and have no shame about it.  I do try my hardest to be modest.  I wore my undercover mama and that really helped.

Just to reacap..These are my bullit point tips for traveling with kids
1) Keep it under wraps : For your own sanity try not to tell them what is about to happen or every 2.3 seconds they will ask about it.  Let them know what you are going to do moments before it happens.
2) Children are naturally curious and want to touch and interact with their environment so let them but only on your terms.  Allow them to help when they can.
3)Don't worry about the disapproving stares of total strangers: If you need to do a timeout or a stern talking to then do it!  Your children need to know that no matter where you are your rules still apply.
4) Enjoy the ride! Getting there is and should be half the fun.  We are such a go-go-go society no one notices the fun in the little things such as a tram ride in the airport. To your kid this is an adventure so look though their eyes and enjoy the experience with them. 

Part 3 coming soon The Trip!

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